If entering the age of 40, usually often occurs to anxiety. For a man often experience health problems, and for women is experiencing menopause.  One of the diseases that become anxiety at the age of 40 years and over is osteoporosis.  

What is osteoporosis?  Osteoporosis or calcification of the bones is a disease that occurs when the bones begin to experience continuous osteoporosis. 

 The inside of a healthy bone has many tiny spaces, usually like a honeycomb. When bone is lost, this space becomes wider. It is known that women are more likely to suffer from osteoporosis  than men. because in women 

 Although hormone levels in the body decrease, the cause of bone loss in women may be affected by the body's levels of estrogen. 

According to the myth, osteoporosis is a naturally occurring disease  and unavoidable because it is considered part of aging. However, getting older does not  always mean you will have osteoporosis.  

Can osteoporosis be cured? Answer: Yes. 

 Bone instructor Shelly Manning said  people with osteoporosis can get regular treatment. In addition to moving a lot, doing light activity and choosing the right foods to help with calcium and other vitamin deficiencies. Food is very important because it keeps your bones healthy. From this experience a method emerged. 

And the metode named  Must Read    this help you with an indepth guide.  This means that it will be easier for you to understand the root of the problem and find solutions to overcome and help the condition not to have this problem again.  It then targets inflammation to improve your gut health. 

With  Must Read   a healthy gut, you can expect a healthy body and mind. It can be treated if done regularly. In   Must Read    this way, he will strengthen his mind, especially in the areas of the bones, so that he can remain healthy in old age.

 Such bones should be strong  in old age.
