There is a feeling of suffering from embarrassment, discomfort or low self-esteem caused by having bent legs or bent knees. Because it is different from other normal. And uncomfortable when walking.
This disease is called O-Legs or bowlegs is a condition when both legs appear curved outward so that it resembles the letter O when standing.
This condition is quite common in children and usually gets better on its own. However, foot O needs to be treated if it is causing the child to have difficulty standing or walking.
Foot condition O, is a condition that often occurs in infants and toddlers. Generally, O-foot is not dangerous and does not require treatment because it can improve after the child reaches the age of 12-18 months.
However, the condition of O-leg sometimes needs to be watched out for and checked by a doctor if it causes pain in the child, makes the child look weak and limp, causes the leg to bend because it only occurs in one leg, and does not improve after reaching the age of 2 years.
And are legs like this foam straightened like other normal people? The answer is yes.
Sarah Brown, an O-leg sufferer as well as a health observer, said she had had O-legs for 26 years. He suffered from bowfoot from a very young age and the condition negatively affected his life.
One day, after injuring his back while riding a horse, he went to see a physiotherapist who told him he knew what to do to fix his leg.
The physiotherapist tells the story of a Japanese Orthopedic Surgeon, Suri, who has seen the effects of surgery on patients who have conditions like hers.
Sarah then researched for years to develop a safe and usable system to straighten the bow leg and knee safely and permanently. Suri also sent copies of all his research and the systems he developed.
Sarah then follows Suri's system and is able to straighten her bow leg once and for all. Since he didn't want anyone else to go through his experience, she decided to gather the information and put it in an easy-to-follow program with all his discoveries available to everyone suffering from bowfoot.
His invention called Must Read an easy-to-follow, step-by-step exercise program that can help correct crooked legs without surgery or physical therapy.
This method. Must Read has plenty of correction exercises for both the bow leg and the knee. Therefore, one needs to follow these practices religiously.
There is also an exercise plan with multiple phases. The exercises have brief explanations and pictures illustrating how to do the exercises.
With regular practice promised straight legs, beautiful, and toned.
So don't worry, crooked legs, everything can be cured.
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